
WATCH NOW: Demographic Dividend Webinar on Population Age Structure Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa
The William H. Gates Sr. Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, the Demographic Dividend (DD) Initiative, and the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) invite you to watch the following webinar:Watch the full recording of the February 2024...

How a Vast Demographic Shift Will Reshape the World: DD Initiative Team Member Quoted
The Demographic Dividend Initiative in The New York Times Carolina Cardona, Ph.D., M.H.S., a key member of the Demographic Dividend Initiative team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, was recently featured in an article...

Watch Now: DD Luminaries Series Featuring Ronald D. Lee
The Demographic Dividend Luminaries Series The Shape of Things to Come: Using Economic Demography to Understand the Future Date: Tuesday, 11 July 2023 Time: 11 am EDT Featured Speaker: Ronald D. Lee, Ph.D. The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and...

Applying the Demographic Dividend Effort Index in Uganda: A Case Study
The Demographic Dividend (DD) Initiative has just released its latest resource titled, "Applying the Demographic Dividend Effort Index in Uganda: A Case Study for Use of the SMART Advocacy Approach." This study delves into the use of the Demographic Dividend Effort...

Watch Now: DD Webinar Featuring Dr. Gretchen Donehower
WATCH THE WEBINAR IN FRENCH HERE >> Demographic Dividend Luminaries Series The Price Tag of Women’s Work at Home: Research and Policy Implications to Attaining a Demographic Dividend The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health,...

British Medical Journal Open Publishes Demographic Dividend Effort Index Tool
For more information, please contact:gatesinstitute@jhu.edu410-955-2232 DATEApril 12, 2023 British Medical Journal Open Publishes Gates Institute’s Novel Demographic Dividend Effort Index Tool [Baltimore, MD] – Measuring the level of efforts to create a...

Watch Now: DD Webinar Featuring Dr. David Canning
The inaugural session of the Demographic Dividend (DD) Luminaries Event Series co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, the Demographic Dividend Initiative, and the 2022 International Conference on Family...

What Information Can We Generate by Measuring the Perception of Experts?
Findings from the Demographic Dividend Effort Index in Uganda By Carolina Cardona, Stella Kigozi, Molly Moesner, Jean Christophe Rusatira, Jotham MusinguziChanges in the population age structure do not translate into economic growth without proper investments—they...

DD Luminaries Series: Featuring Dr. David Canning
This full event is now available to watch HERE: Date: Tuesday, 16 August 2022 Time: 09:30-10:30 AM ET (NY) via Zoom Hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, the Demographic Dividend Initiative, and the International...

Literature Summary: The Nature and Extent of Demographic Dividend in West Africa
Demographic Dividend Quarterly Newsletter This quarter, we feature the paper, “The Nature and Extent of Demographic Dividend in West Africa: National Transfer Account Approach,” authored by Olanrewaju Olaniyan, Noah Olasehinde, Oyeteju Odufuwa, and Olabanji Awodumi...

Literature Summary: Harnessing a Young Nation’s Demographic Dividends through a Universal NDC Pension Scheme
Demographic Dividend Quarterly Newsletter This month, we feature a working paper from the World Bank titled, "Harnessing a Young Nation’s Demographic Dividends through a Universal NDC Pension Scheme: A Case Study of Tanzania,” authored by Bo Larsson, Vincent Leyaro,...

6 Country Demographic Dividend Effort Index Reports Now Available
The demographic dividend effort index (DDEI) is a robust tool that takes researchers, policymakers, advocates, service provides and program implementers through a process of assessing local efforts in high-impact policies and programs. The DEl fosters measurements,...

DD Resilience Reports Now Available
Considering the health and socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19, and its close relationship with policies that enable a DD-favorable policy environment, this DDEI has integrated a module to assess the resilience and sustainability of systems in each sector. The scoring...

Cultivating the Demographic Dividend Generation
Cultivating the Demographic Dividend Two decades after its inception, the debate on demographic dividends has come to oppose two contending views. On one side are the ultra-skeptics who dismiss dividends on ideological, methodological or empirical grounds. These...

DD Quarterly
The Gates Institute publishes Demographic Dividend Quarterly, which provides news and updates to the demographic dividend community. Read the February 2019 issue, with highlights from the 5th International Conference on Family Planning here.

New Video Explains the Fundamentals of the DD
January 30, 2019-To help explain the concept of the DD, the Gates Institute developed a 2-minute animated video that highlights the crucial components a country needs to put in place in order to harness the DD. Building on various existing DD resources, mainly from...

Demographic Dividend Highlights from the 5th International Conference on Family Planning
January 30, 2019–The theme of the 5th International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), which was held in Kigali, Rwanda, in November 2018 was “Investing for a Lifetime of Returns.” The conference was marked by a number of presentations, interactive sessions and...
The Risk of Misrepresenting the Demographic Dividend
April 18, 2016-The article "The risk of misrepresenting the demographic dividend" was featured in N-IUSSP, the magazine of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. This article describes why countries should take advantage of population age...
Senegalese Workshop Participants Learn Policy Communication Skills
February 15-22, 2016–Population Reference Bureau (PRB), in partnership with Centre de Recherche en Economie et Finances Appliquées de Thiès (CREFAT), held a week-long policy communications workshop for researchers and civil servants in Saly, Senegal. This workshop was...
What do we Learn by Counting Women’s Work?
April 21, 2016 - The Counting Women's Work project hosted a Google Hangout titled, "What do we Learn by Counting Women's Work?" that examined how combining the value of unpaid care and housework with traditional economic statistics affects the analysis and design of...
NTA 11th Global Meeting – Demographic Dividend and African Development
June 24, 2016-The National Transfer Accounts (NTA) Network hosted its 11th Global Meeting in Dakar and Saly, Senegal, June 20-24, 2016. The opening session featured keynote addresses by H.E. Jakaya Kikwete, Former President (Tanzania), and H.E. Mary Teuw Niane,...