Demographic Dividend Effort Index and Scorecard
In November 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, the National Population Commission (NPC), and the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs-Nigeria launched the Demographic Dividend Effort Index (DDEI) at the 2020 National Family Planning Conference. The Demographic Dividend Effort Index was developed based on a novel demographic dividend cultivation framework that resulted from a systematic literature review conducted by the Gates Institute.
The Nigeria DDEI report was officially launched by the National Population Commission which also formally recognized this index as a tool that will be used by the government to bridge the gaps, inform new policies, and serve as a monitoring tool for the Government efforts in key demographic dividend sectors namely Family Planning, Maternal, and Child Health, Women Empowerment, Education, Labor Market, and Governance and Economic Institutions. The NPC committed to implementing this tool at the National and Sub-national levels. Considering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemics on all these sectors, the DDEI report also covered multisectoral measures of health and development systems resilience.
Funding for the development of the demographic dividend effort index was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through a grant to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Read the Nigeria demographic dividend effort index report
Watch the National Population Commission Chairman Press Briefing on Nigeria DDEI
Read the Gates Institute demographic dividend cultivation framework systematic literature review
Explore demographic dividend scorecard dashboard
National Transfer Accounts Country Briefs
In March 2013, the NTA Project produced Country Briefs on five African countries—Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, and South Africa. These publications were presented on 24 March 2013 at a Side Event on Realizing the Demographic Dividend for Africa.
The Side Event took place just before the 6th Annual Meetings of the African Union’s Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)’s Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development. These meetings were held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
Funding for the Country Briefs was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through a grant to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Read the Kenya Brief.
Read the Mozambique Brief.
Read the Nigeria Brief.
Read the Senegal Brief.
Read the South Africa Brief.
Read the Uganda Brief.

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