Demographic Dividend Effort Index

Following the global demographic dividend (DD) research, advocacy and communications efforts, the majority of the African Union member states have made remarkable progress in integrating DD into their development plans by instituting national DD roadmaps. This progress has elucidated the need for performance assessment tools, platforms to document best practices and lessons learned to harness the DD.
The demographic dividend effort index (DDEI) is a robust tool that takes researchers, policymakers, advocates, service provides and program implementers through a process of assessing local efforts in high-impact policies and programs.
The DEl fosters measurements, dialogue and innovation in six key sectors that have the potential to cultivate the DD, namely family planning (FP), maternal and child health (MCH), education (ED), women empowerment (WE), labor market (LM), and governance and economic institutions (GEI). The measures from these sectors allow users to measure the strength of national efforts towards reaping the demographic dividend benefits for inclusive and sustainable development and facilitate the learning process across Sub-Saharan Africa
To develop the DDEI, the Gates Institute collaborated with the Centre ‘Excellence Régional en Economie Générationnelle in Senegal, the Center for Communication Programs in Nigeria, the National Council for Population and Development in Kenya, the Tanzania Communication and Development Center, the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, and the Centre for Integrated Development Research and Action in Rwanda.

WATCH NOW: Demographic Dividend Webinar on Population Age Structure Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa
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